Sunday, October 30, 2016

Here is how I see it: The GOP had eight years, eight years(!) to prepare for this. And what do we get? Donald Trump. Reality show host, real estate mogul, WWE stooge and daddy’s little boy. Principles and personalities aside, I have to think that someone’s very first elected office should not be, should never be, can not possibly be President of the United States. Defies tradition, logic and any other sensibility you want to include. His opponent, Mrs.Clinton? I truly have never been much of a fan. Her star is dimming, it seems, by the hour. Your rival spoon feeds you a “nasty” Internet meme and you lose ground(?) I am no political tactician, but it may be pretty basic stuff that you do not want your name mentioned in the same paragraph as Anthony Weiner ten days before the election. This guy makes Billy Bush look like Rob Petrie for crying out loud. Her biggest asset? That she is not him, which is not saying much.

So it is a mess. Hot, cold or room temperature. I feel we deserve better as a voting public. Most eligible citizens will not bother to vote, and there is a small part of me that does not blame them even a little. Ideally one would be informed on the local level, read up on ballot questions and referendums in your municipality, know and understand the players. But the top of the ballot it's such an unctuous disaster (and I mean that as bigly as I can) that people may stay away in droves. And that would be . . . “Wrong!” But it may be the most intelligent decision you can make.